
First of all, kc1design, welcome to the site. I am the Doctor or 4x4dually's wife. I have a few friendly suggestions for you. My husband is a grown man and he is free to talk **** back and forth to whomever he chooses. I would suggest that you just "roll" with it and give it right back. However, my next piece of advice is very important. DO NOT ever speak of my children or my husbands role as their father again. I do not generally post on this site, but this is a line that I will not tolerate being crossed. My husband is the nice one of the 4x4dually's, and I think it would be in your best interest to refrain from ever mentioning my children again. Good luck with your products and with taking **** from my husband. The Doc.
First of all, kc1design, welcome to the site. I am the Doctor or 4x4dually's wife. I have a few friendly suggestions for you. My husband is a grown man and he is free to talk **** back and forth to whomever he chooses. I would suggest that you just "roll" with it and give it right back. However, my next piece of advice is very important. DO NOT ever speak of my children or my husbands role as their father again. I do not generally post on this site, but this is a line that I will not tolerate being crossed. My husband is the nice one of the 4x4dually's, and I think it would be in your best interest to refrain from ever mentioning my children again. Good luck with your products and with taking **** from my husband. The Doc.

I hate fruit.

First of all, kc1design, welcome to the site. I am the Doctor or 4x4dually's wife. I have a few friendly suggestions for you. My husband is a grown man and he is free to talk **** back and forth to whomever he chooses. I would suggest that you just "roll" with it and give it right back. However, my next piece of advice is very important. DO NOT ever speak of my children or my husbands role as their father again. I do not generally post on this site, but this is a line that I will not tolerate being crossed. My husband is the nice one of the 4x4dually's, and I think it would be in your best interest to refrain from ever mentioning my children again. Good luck with your products and with taking **** from my husband. The Doc.


But when you said this:

I am the Doctor

My inner nerd came out.


First of all, kc1design, welcome to the site. I am the Doctor or 4x4dually's wife. I have a few friendly suggestions for you. My husband is a grown man and he is free to talk **** back and forth to whomever he chooses. I would suggest that you just "roll" with it and give it right back. However, my next piece of advice is very important. DO NOT ever speak of my children or my husbands role as their father again. I do not generally post on this site, but this is a line that I will not tolerate being crossed. My husband is the nice one of the 4x4dually's, and I think it would be in your best interest to refrain from ever mentioning my children again. Good luck with your products and with taking **** from my husband. The Doc.
I was simply trying to illustrate the fact that this had moved from simple **** talking to bullying. The comment was only used to force the person to look at their actions in a different manor. Your point is heard and will be taken!
I hereby nominate all of you bastards to run the shark tank show. It will have the best ratings of any show in history!

Sent from my flashscan v2

Sarcasm brought to you by Tapatalk
Treena scares me sometimes. And yes I know she will read this. LOL

I definitely agree with sledge on the momma and cub comment.
If I have a 7.3 and I have a Tune Called "Street" would it be "Stre" or "Strt"????
Pretty sure there is only one tune offered for the 7.3 and it should fit the 4 characters option perfectly, SLOW... lol Just kidding, nobody get their panties in a wad I've got 7.3's myself.