Weekly Thursday Night meet hosted by New Image Autosports


New member
Well its that time again... Last week was a good meet, saw lots of old faces and got to meet some new ones too! If you are unfamiliar with the location of New Image Autosports it is just off of I-30 and Beltline in Garland. Samir and the crew at New Image will also have the doors open to the shop so you can look around at some of the work they do, so stop on in and say hello.

Adress: 349 W. I-30, suite 100, Garland, Tx, 75043


There are a few hundred parking spots with decent lighting throughout the lot. The meet starts around 8ish and goes to..... well whenever we get cold and/or tired of standing around

This is a open to all types of makes/models/cars/trucks/bikes/big wheel it doesnt matter as long as youre there to have a good time and enjoying hanging out with other like minded car people

Typical car meet rules apply
-No burning out/revving/peeling out aka "being cool"
-No loud music (it will be provided for you)
-No littering (clean up your own mess!!)
-No Alcohol (unless you share with me)
-Dont exit the parking lot like a D-Bag and try to go WOT onto the service rd
-Be considerate of others and use common sense

Lookin forward to this meet, this is my 2nd week in charge and i have a feeling its going to be a good one! Hope to see everyone there
