Weighted clutch question


New member
Mar 4, 2013
My valair weighted triple showed up today but didn't come with weights. Is it supposed to come with weights? I assume the clutch works just fine without them but not how it's supposed to? Sorry for the dumb question but this is my first go around with a weighted.
When I bought mine last season it didn't come with any weights either. When I called, they explained that they had them setup to come out around 5k-ish without weights. They told me that you could add more weight if you wanted it to come out lower.
They don't use weights anymore. I ran a Kennys weighted triple and by the time I got the engagement right I barely had any weights on it. It worked for along time though until a saddle broke. I bought Valair pressure plate and put mine back together. Works awesome.
Thanks for the info you were correct. Threw it in and it engages at around 5k. Clutch is super smooth I wish I put one in a long time ago!
I talked to Dan on the phone this year about my clutch I purchased from him last year. He told me they're not weighted clutches and they will not move out at all on you no matter how high you take them. Well mine did what you're saying. About 5k it would move out. Very grabby, hookup and go. 10 passes later it doesn't move at all and its smooth as glass slipping it. I love his clutches.

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