Weird Noises

Dallas check your driveshaft loops, when it is under load it could be a joint hitting one of your loops. Maybe I will see you in Granton. Dave
Im gonna have to say Drive shaft loops too. Didnt see any sparks, but it can be the frame bending just a little and the U joints just brushing the sheild.
Im going to say maybe the fan is hitting the radiator. I have seen that happen on a few trucks with broken motor mounts, etc... and it always sounds similar to that. See if the fan/radiator look like they have been making contact.
I will check the sheilds again but it can be the fan because it has electric fans on it. Thanks for the suggestions tho :)
Do you have some kind of lockers like the power trac lockers? if you do is sounds almost like the teeth slipping in them. Also its not only at the end of your pulls you can hear it around the 11 sec mark also.
I have a eaton locker in the front and a spool in the back, none of the shields by the joints are touching. I just am running out of ideas.
vavle hitting? what ever it is sounds to be coming out the exhaust to me
Well since you have electric fans, couldnt be that. Wouldnt be the head lifting a little a blowing through the gasket would it? I have seen them do that under hard load before even when there werent any other real noticeable signs.
Well thanks for the help guys, last night she blew the head gasket forsure, will tear into it next week.
That looked like something let loose in the clutch area. Lots of sparks for just a head gasket, no?
I think theres more then just a head gasket blowen now hope not to much messed up with the motor
I agree with flexplate. Or converter, you can at the begining when its locking up then it clears upa bit while running down the track thencomes backat the end when the truck really starts to bear down and dig! Good luck!
All the noises are along with severe rapping and sparks shooting out from under the hood and out the bottom of the engine compartment.