Weird vp issues


New member
Aug 18, 2006
I have an 02 in the shop and it came to me with 4psi idling and no throttle response with 1698 and 0216. So new pump and a raptor 150 and it ran ok for for a bit then developed a hang up from 1500-1800 smoke real bad blubber and come out of it. Checked the tpps with the scan tool 4 times no dead spots, and no other codes. Checked the key all is well. sent the guy home he was less than a mile away told him to bring it back after christmas and dont drive it anywhere you cant walk back from.

anyways he brought it back and the way home he said he turned into his drive way idling and the thing tached out and he got the clutch in so he didnt wreck, but it snapped the turbo shaft. it had the 0216 code again and that was it.

I know someone has seen thins crap before I would greatly appreciate some help, or at least a game plan for monday.
I would guess there is a loose connection with the TPS.... Have you ever tried to start a truck with the TPS unplugged? I have done it by mistake and it will instantly tach out. I was lucky enough to have someone in the truck that shut it down by 3000rpm.

So you may have a loose pin in the TPS connector or some corrosion in the sensor.

the phrase "wierd VP issues" qualifies as an oxymoron to me. I would be willing to bet the APPS was distrubed while doing the pump swap. Do a calibration on it and make sure the voltages check out to the ECM.