Whinning noise when cold


Jun 11, 2009
My Buddy has a 01 7.3 F350 He says he can hear a whinning sound when he starts it up in the morning when it is cold and then goes away when it gets warm. He figures it is the bearings going bad in the turbo. I was wondering what some good turbo upgrades would be for his truck? Not much of a ford guy but they have garret turbos correct? If so is it possible to swap it with say a holset or even a Switchzer as long as the pedestal is correct for that turbo? Has anyone had anything but a garret type turbo on a 7.3?
Either the P.S. Pump fluid is cold or the EBPV actuating. What are the temps when it is doing it?
Well he says when he is driving it when it is cold and when turbo starts to spool up you can hear it. Then is intermitant when warm.
Sounds like the EBPV. when the oil temp gets over 140 it will shut off and also when the ambient air temp goes over 45 I believe,
It is a butterfly valve in the exhaust of the turbo that when the ambient air and EOT is below certain levels will restrict the exhaust flow and speed up the rpm to create heat in the engine faster.
What is the best way to fix this problem if it turns out to be this? Is there a quick fix or should it be replaced?
Dose his exhaust pipe sound like a jet engine on take off when it does this ? if so it is normal, if not have him open the hood and look around when it is doig it.