Who has the best 5k springs??


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Ive heard mixed opinions on the 5k GSK. Just wondering who's is best. Or maybe give your opinion or experience from the 5k's would be helpful as well!

Thanks in advance!
Give Columbus or Garmon a call. Are you going to have Goff set them up on the bench?
Pumps been tapped, but if reccomended to be set up on a bench then I will have Goff do it again. Now ive heard that CDS aren't very good? Anyone wanna laborate why they may not be very good? Then ive seen Haisleys as much as $385 !?!?!?!
This is coming from local guys, so probably weren't set up right I'm assuming. That's why I started a thread. Trust guys opinions and experiences on here far more!!
You'd benefit having it setup on the stand from what I have seen.
Contact Darren Morrison. He's one of the best when it comes to tuning a p-pump.

You'd probably **** if you knew how Goff helped me tune mine on the bench... tuning I don't really need just wanting the fuel curve and fast revving of the 5k springs for how much I wanna spray. I will benifit from the 5k vs 4k springs
i have a 13mm cds pump with 5gsk set at 4400, runs very smooth, better idle then my 175pump with 4gsk, but that compairing a benched pump to an unbenched one.
hey brandon.. i have schied 5k's, idles good, revs fast.. only thing i dont care much for is the touchyness of the throttle with the 5k's. but im gonna do the same thing kort did.. throw an extra return spring or two on it to help that.
I knew how much cds springs were, but wanted input from guys running the 5ks whosever they were running ya know?
i run a set of cds 5k springs in my unbenched 180pump and love them rev fast. they are touchy but u get use to it