world finals results

Excellent, thanks for posting up the results. Anyone got any pics/vids from the event?
Don't need a play-by-play, but a few more specifics would be nice - any numbers to post up?
I know a few results. I lost to Dean Sheldon in the Sportsman ET final, and lost in the Pro-Stock final to Chad Riley. IIRC Chad ran a 8.34 to our 9.15, as it appeared we sneezed a charger just before the 660 mark. Our incrementals looked like a 8.40 pass before the charger went, which would have made for a heck of a tight race.

We wouldn't have even gotten past 1st round if not for the help .of lots of people, as I managed to find a staple with a slick. We had help from Aaron Schaff, Shawn Ellerton, Banks Team, Scheid Team, Smitty Team, and probably more I am forgetting. THANKS!!! Also, thanks to Ryan Lusk for the loan of his tow rig to race in ET!

one more result- Wes Anderson (Banks) over Ryan Tucker in Top Diesel. Wes ran a 7.77, and Ryan used up every square inch of track surface...
I am really happy for Ryan gettin to run those guys in his final race!! I am sure he had a huge smile on the face all over that track giving it hell!! What was his best time for the weekend?
i believe the super street winner was a 4door 4x4 chevey 7.1 l stroker i didnt see his et for the winning run but he was a low 10 sec truck
Yeah, SST was a white Chevy from Canada, can't recall the guy's name but he managed some very low 10's. Max'd out set the ET and speed record for SST (I think they ran a best ET of 9.70 or so, but the best they could back up was a 9.90 or so), but unfortunately broke the transmission in eliminations. I think Pro Street was Devon Harris (Armor Inc) over Bruce Smith. I think Mark Ventling (the other G&J Diesel truck) made it to the semis in both Pro Street and Super-Street. Sorry I don't have more details, but it was a hectic weekend!

With DirtyMax it was a miracle to be running at all. We wounded the engine at Edmonton, and Brad and crew had additional carnage to deal with when getting it back together. They completely re-did the intake plumbing, and we kept blowing the boot between the low pressure and high pressure chargers. After some truly redneck fixes, we had it working again, only to be fighting the leaking slick, a pass with horrendous tire shake (I think my kidneys are still feeling it), an intermittently locking up converter (wiring probably damaged during the tire shake episode), and a wheelie bar broken clean from the rearend on one side. Thank God the season is over!

Michael Pliska
Super Street had side by side trucks blow up tranny in one lane and motor in other lane.

Half of piston was laying on track. We were shut down for 35 minutes but are almost back to Super Street eliminations.

Banks ran 9.28 in qualifying but had some tranny issues they have it fixed and are waiting for 1st round eliminations


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