Wrong size injectors...


Red Headed Wonder
Apr 7, 2011
I bought a set of used injectors a few weeks ago and have had some recent concerns arise. The injectors were supposed to be F1 Flux 1.5, which is what I was wanting and needing. I had the seller send them directly to F1 to be tested and checked before I installed them.

Well, yesterday I got in touch with F1 to see what was going on with them was told that Don was getting to them next and I'd get a call as soon as they were done. Not much time goes by and I got a call from April saying that Don had checked 2 of them and there was an issue. They functioned fine but they weren't Flux 1.5's but rather Flux 6 with body tuning. This puts them at around 130% over... HUGE difference!!!

Herein lies the problem, I am running a stock turbo and (temporarily) a stock CP3... With EFILive, can these be tuned back to work or am I looking at a disaster?

I contacted the seller and told him what they said and he was really shocked. He said he hadn't had any street issues at all with them, even doing some towing and the only reason he pulled them was to go bigger because he thought they were 1.5's; all the same things he told be before I bought them. I called F1 back and had to ask if they, maybe, got them mixed up with another set somehow but they assured me that was not the case. They said they could swap them back to 1.5's but that's $900 I don't have after the rest of my rebuild.

Not sure what to do... Can I run them temporarily, without issue?
THANKS for any help!
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You will be fine running them, just have the duration dialed back to keep smoke and rp under control. Better to have them too big than too small.
So why is this a bad thing? Now you have full justification to get more air and CP3 instead of spending more money just to make them 1.5s.
You will be fine running them, just have the duration dialed back to keep smoke and rp under control. Better to have them too big than too small.

That's what I was thinking and hoping for!

So why is this a bad thing? Now you have full justification to get more air and CP3 instead of spending more money just to make them 1.5s.

Only reason it's possibly a bad thing is because I don't have the funds to add more air or a CP3 :hehe: Unfortunately I don't have the funds to make them 1.5's either... This unexpected rebuild is coming in around $7k already
You will be fine with dialing back the pulse width, that's the whole point in custom tuning.
We dialed the fuel back to 1400 units to start with, per Don, and it's running like a champ

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