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  1. S

    BD Super B or Aurora 3000?

    So ill be placing an order next payday for an edge attitude CS, DDP2's, fass, intake, exhaust and a turbo. Most ill be towing is 5-6000 boat. So which turbo will work best for spool up and EGT? I'm thinking of adding a cam down the road but that's just if it runs hot towing.
  2. S

    Gear noise?

    So I've got an 02 auto, and I get an annoying noise around 30-35 mph and then again at 60-70 mph. It sounds like its coming from the front end and you get a shutter in the floorboard. It goes away as you turn the wheel (putting a load on the diff?). I changed both wheel bearings just because...
  3. S

    Lock-Up Sticking after start up?

    I put a new aftermarket trans in late last summer and it ran great, however, now that temps are dropping into single digits at night the truck keeps dying when i try to put it in gear in the mornings. Once it goes into Drive the first time with out killing the engine everything works fine, i can...
  4. S

    Has Quad solved their adrenaline issues?

    Just bought a new(to me) truck and put a built trans in it. I now want more power than my lil EZ is puttin out. Ive read all the old threads about how many issues the Adrenaline has had and that the Edge comp box is "old faithful". Im just wondering if these issues with the Quad have ever been...
  5. S

    New Trans... Poor light throttle shifting!

    Just installed a new trans in a truck i just bought, and under light accelaration it doesnt want to shift out of first. You really have to play with the throttle to get it to shift. This does seem worse when its cold. Is this just in the detent cable? I didnt change or adjust the cable duing...