00 ram 3500 fluttering sound


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I have a fluttering sound coming from my rig started today coming home from the dump towing a dump trailer. I'm stumped it sounds like when you were a kid putting the cards in the spokes of your bicycle? Do you have any suggestions id appreciate it. I'd also like to add my oil pressure is running about 35-40 engine temp is normal seems like no loss in power I can hear the turbo? No engine codes no edge codes. I put a new mprp exhaust on yesterday maybe something got rattled loose going down those crappy roads at the landfill?
did you find anything? i have developed some kind of strange sound as well. like something rattling around in the cupholder. increases with speed as rpms increase. can barely hear it at idle. sounds like its coming from the apps area. im at a loss. runs great, gauges are all normal.
auto or manual trans? 2x4 or 4x4? fill out your sig or post more info about the truck its hard to diagnose an issue without any information.