01 redline

Ok Ill try and get a pic, its in my friends truck.
And not sure how old it is. I got it in a trade and we ran it on my buddys truck last pull season. Works perfect, nothin wrong with it.
hey guys, cole let me use this box on my truck last season it works great. for any 24v guys that have never ran one, it is well worth the money.
Guys this redline originally came from me its about 3 years old, this is an excellent box for a VP truck. GLWS
It is a REDLINE. Redline Oder Page

Cole i also have a brand pump cover i will throw in with this sale buyer just pays shipping.

Mah, I had a brainfart. I thought they were both called Redline and the 4k box was called redline followed by something else. What I get for thinking.
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still have it. I had a guy buyin it but havnt seen the money yet and havnt heard from him for a while.