'02 Cummins has NO power when towing

How wide is the trailer he tows?? A 9ft wide trailer will KILL a stock truck. My truck with just a set of 275's in it and smaller tires did NOT like pulling one at all. Never hit a hill with it but twould not have been pretty.
Well an update......We've tried pretty much everything we could think of on this thing and nothing has helped really. So I called a tech that I know at a very respectable Dodge dealer, and he said to bring it in and he'd re-program the computer. He said sometimes when the pump goes bad and a new one is installed, that re-programming the computer is a must. Said he's had similar trucks come back in after a new pump and they just don't run right..........so do a little re-programming and everything is back to normal. I hope this works cuz his trucks pissing me off!! LOL
Try taking it out of OD when climbing and see what kind of boost you get.
How much does the trailer weigh?