03 6.0L - needing some help tracking down the problem

forgot all about checking the alternator once i got it started. will do first thing tomorrow :thankyou2:
Not sure if i was checking it right. The red lead of the alternator had a rubber boot over it. I took it off and tried measuring voltage from that screw and grounded to the negative battery terminal. Wasnt reading anything, got someone to hold rpms around 2000 while i read the voltage, and it jumped around between 1VAC-5VAC.. Am i doing this wrong, or is the alternator bad?
Was i checking the right way? The red lead coming into the alt from the battery with a green plastic connector and rubber boot on it? My batteries looked like the acid was boiling out of the top of it on the old batteries. Wouldnt too high of a voltage or a bad regulator in the alt cause that?
And before you ask, its probably not charging anymore because the fields or diodes have shyt the bed. Hopefully you didnt fry the fusible links. Uh oh,.. did I say that out loud?
wish i knew more to be able to check more things. guess i will just have the alt replaced
believe i could have another problem.. truck is drinking coolant bad. no white smoke or smell of burning coolant out of the exhaust, and no leaks anywhere...
Check the oil and see if it looks like chocolate milk. If so, a cracked oil cooler is likely your culprit.
will do, thank you! will post back in a couple hours with pics
oil looked perfect. not milky in color or texture. still looks brand new