04.5 std cab 4x4 NICE!

$15,900 without the wheels and tires or the HID headlights.
I will put silverstar bulbs back in not the stockers.
It stays dirty but when it's clean it looks really good. I spent two nights after work priming and sanding to get the texture out of it before I painted it white.
How about a 97' 5spd QC 4x4. As soon as the wifey gets home with the friggn camera I'm loading some pics on my for sale post.
Don't know that I'm really looking to trade anymore. I have found my truck I just need some money.
hey cody
you interested in saleing ur stack. i be willing to give u mine with mbrp tip i meet ya over at luke and thems to change it out i got mine off a 03 or i got it off a 04.5 from t. green. let me know if your interested

thanks jordan :charger:
I'm really looking for cash but may be interested can you send pics. I have found a truck I just need the cash.