04 into a 06


Nov 22, 2007
Will a 04 engine swap into a 06 without computer issues? Will i be able to use the 06 ecm to control the 04 engine or do I have to use the 04 ecm and if so will the 06 pcm get along with the 04 ecm? Haven't messed with swapping engines in these cr till now.
I want to swap the entire engine from one to the other. Will the 06 ecm control the 04 injectors
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Yes, same body with a different nozzle. The harness will have to change in the valve cover though, plugs are different.
OK good. I have a 04 with some issues but the engine is good. 06 has a bad engine so I wanted to swap to start driving it while I fix the engine
early 04 or late 04?

Build date is 01/04. So I would say its a early 04.

Is there anyway to visually tell what TC is in the truck? Engine is out of the 06 and its "suppose" to have a triple disc convertor in it. I don't mess with auto trans hardly at all. So I'm auto dumb.
Build date is 01/04. So I would say its a early 04.

Is there anyway to visually tell what TC is in the truck? Engine is out of the 06 and its "suppose" to have a triple disc convertor in it. I don't mess with auto trans hardly at all. So I'm auto dumb.

Take a pic of the cover and post it.
Oh gotcha! I will snap one tomorrow. This truck came from Blythe ga and just had the trans done not long ago. Just trying to figure out if it has done to it what I was told. Anything in particular I'm looking for?
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It's been a while, but I think 1/04 might be considered 04.5. To be sure look at the valve cover. 04 was 555 ft/lbs and 04.5 was 600.
It's been a while, but I think 1/04 might be considered 04.5. To be sure look at the valve cover. 04 was 555 ft/lbs and 04.5 was 600.

Just did some checking and they started the 325/600 in 01/04. So I will have to check the cover tomorrow when taking a pic of the TC.
Will, the 04.5 has an apps the same as the early 04. The giveaway is either the valve cover rating, or the engine fan shroud mounting.

Edit: I should say they CAN have the apps, not necessarily that they all do. Never seen an 05 with the intake mounted apps though.
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Of all the 5.9 cr engines which is the more desirable? I'm a 12v/24v guy. Other then simple stuff this is my first endeavors into the art of the cr
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are you going to thump it as far as fueling/turbos, or just leave it relatively stock?
Oh gotcha! I will snap one tomorrow. This truck came from Blythe ga and just had the trans done not long ago. Just trying to figure out if it has done to it what I was told. Anything in particular I'm looking for?

Not really, it's a combination of things.
If it's an early '04 engine (285/305 HP) it will NOT have a pressure sensor on the turbo, like the late '04 and up has.
{Edit}1/4/2004 is the break point on the ratings/emissions, anything after that date is the "1/2" year.

An '04.5 (325 hp) HE351cw turbo looks like this one:


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Depends on what you're looking for. 06-07 seem to respond to simple mods well, but I prefer the 03-04.5 because it's a little more resistant to melting a piston when an injector gives up. There's a lot other this and that's, but they both have pros and cons.

To add into what you're looking at, I've heard people say the 03-04 bowl design runs a bit sluggish with 04.5-07 tuning. No personal experience though, and I'm sure that wouldn't make a difference if you were to efi tune it.