05 engine into 04 truck

Bone stock 99

New member
Jan 4, 2009
so i got the engine set in my truck, it is an 05 engine so im pretty sure im gonna have to change to the 05 wiring harness too, is that very hard to do or are there any more threads about doing this? From what I am told the ecm has another pin in the 05's to run another injection cycle on the injectors.
yeah its an early 04, i got lucky on the 05 engine i got cuz the guy gave me the ecm and the wiring harness for cheap. i got the engine in the truck with the head off and i guess all i gotta do is route the 05 harness in place and start connecting the dots. Thanks for the info ;)
the early 04 pistons and injectors are different from 05 what ever u decide keep them matched
yeah i took a look at it and found that the 05 has another wire in the harness but i found that a connector is broke on the harness so I have to get a new harness.