12 Valve competition engine

Anyone? Plenty of interest but no money.

Anyone interested in the entire truck, turn Key ready to roll? Then I'll get a new ps truck on the move instead of trying to juggle 2 trucks at once.

Somebody is going to buy this mother f'er. Unbolt it from the adapter plate and motor mounts, unbolt the turbo's and piping and sit it in a truck.


I'll throw in all 3 turbos, piping, water/air intercooler, mounting items, water pumps, stainless tank and all. Literally would only need a roller and a trans then.
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Thought about parting it out ? Might make that same 15k

If $15,000 in parts is sold up front I will part it out. Otherwise I won't. Perfectly good and new motor and I will just use it as a back up or put new motor in a new truck or something.

Anyone interested in parts on it. Feel free to say so. If I can get $15,000 in parts parted out by themselves I will gladly part it.
You're trying to sell a competition motor for the same price I'm trying to sell a whole truck, with a lot of competition parts, with no takers. We suck at life, Anthony.
You're trying to sell a competition motor for the same price I'm trying to sell a whole truck, with a lot of competition parts, with no takers. We suck at life, Anthony.

No sir YOU suck by yourself!
