12v freeze plugs in the head


Just sit back and learn
Jul 6, 2010
Has anyone had problems with the freeze plugs between the injectors on a 12v Hamilton head? I have popped 4 of them out when I’m wot at about 4000rpm - 4500rpm. I have trimmed the water pump fins down and I don’t think I have a blown head gasket. I have seen the 24v guys tapping and putting plugs in their heads are people doing that with 12v also?
Yeah I thought about going to the electric water pump but I’ve been told they don’t last long on a street driven truck.
I'm having mine tapped while its being built, the way I look at it is its cheap insurance. Seeing as your having prob tells me its a good idea. how much did you take off your pump fins by the way ?
For over 3500 rpm I was told to take .05 off the out side of each one of the fins then if you need more you can take .05 off the sloped side of the fins. i did both on mine and haven't had any problems with it getting hot but i do not pull anything with it.
We clipped 2 full fins off the pump and don't have any overheating problems without a radiator fan. Have never had a freeze plug issue either.