12v ring material


New member
Jun 24, 2007
I am wondering what the piston ring materials are in a 12 valve. I am slowly rebuilding one. I have a rebuild set from Interstate McBee. Also they look like they might have coatings, at least the top ring does. Anyone know what these are?


Nobody knows what the rings are made from?

The 2nd looks like cast iron.
Whatever they are made of, heat in the common rails destroy them.
I'm thinking something along the lines of a version of spring or high carbon steel, because they sure don't care for a lot of heat.

I say this, because you can take a good top ring and twist and bend it quite a ways before it'll finally break.
I have used them to clean rings grooves before and it's a bit of a fight to break them.

Unless you're smart and use vice grips or a grinder. :D

Did they change the material along the way? Or maybe the CR rings are very close to the top of the piston?

I'm using the non-intercooled pistons so the top ring is low.
Mine are tool steel. From total seal rings.
Not sure on stock stuff