160 or 180 bottom end?


I'm the Driver
Jun 30, 2008
Going to be putting a different motor in my truck soon I hope, I'm running a built and maxed 215 pump, and I'm curious if there's any advantage to running the 180/215 bottom end, vs the 160? I know the pistons are slightly different, just wondering how that equates to power?
I've got well over 400K on my current 160 bottom end, and I'm wanting to put a hx35/ht3b in for towing, and need to freshen up stuff when I take it apart. Thanks
I haven’t seen much difference but I would switch to
Marine pistons either way ..
Not changing pistons. I have two low mileage bottom ends to use. Its just for towing.
If it just for towing And don’t want to change anything you won’t see any difference . In the couple hundred 12v builds I done changing pistons and cam seems to be the best towing mods if you wanted to buy parts ..
If it just for towing And don’t want to change anything you won’t see any difference . In the couple hundred 12v builds I done changing pistons and cam seems to be the best towing mods if you wanted to buy parts ..

I use first gen with 155 degree pistons when towing with mild power single turbo , performance or towing compounds I use marine/aftercooler 16.5 compression pistons. Match it with a 155 5x.012 injectors
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I have the 1st gen pistons, don't thing I'd want marines in the daily but most I've read about where 15 compression or less
What about a marine cam ? Eep salesman said they use those in their shop truck.
Eep Marine cam , If price is your main selling point it’s not terrible , insitalled one for a customer and surprised how cool the egt was . I would not use one in a 24v, the lobes are narrow and won’t like The added spring pressure .
What about for the 95’ in my signature?

Sorry op not trying to totally hijack
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