
True, Convicted, but think about it, if someone is going to copy a cam they are planning on making multiple copies and making some decent money. What expense is it to them if they buy one Hamilton cam to copy off of? On the other hand the people that just want a good cam would like to know all the specs, like a graph of valve motion or lobe motion versus crank position.

Cause 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of people don't need that info or want that info or can understand that info. Your talking about a very tiny, select group of people who want that kinda info and honestly there really isn't a need for that info to be given to the general public. Zach's specs on all his cams (duration, lift, ramp rates, LSA, etc) can be found with a little searching.
I'll be back to get another one from you Zach. Can't be happier with my big stick.
Keep up the good work.
I am not meaning to be an azzhole but in my opinion you haven't given ALL the info to the consumer in the cam market until you show graphs of valve lift vs. crank position. But whatever, I'll stay in my little hole and continue conjuring up my own little mess.
Well, it really doesn't matter a whole lot to me, because I just take a spare block, crank, piston, CR, degree wheel and various manufacturer's cams with a dial indicator and find out enough on my own. I just think it is hypocritical for you to portray yourself as 100% forthcoming with specs when all you will release is 2 numbers (duration at .050) which really tell very little about the entire valve motion through 720 deg crank rotation. As far as worrying about copying, any machine shop can copy a cam, it's not a big deal.

Aw hell. Come on man, I give lift, LSA, installed intake centerlines and valve events(ie. opening and closing) That is more than enough information to set your engine and valves up. Yes they can be copied easy which is what I already said in a previous post. If I give a full cam doctor report then I am handing you the keys to the gate and nothing is proprietary at all. At that point, I might as well give you my social security number, where I get my cams made, my girlfriends phone number and a bottle of wine.

Yes my cams can be easily copied and they are, regularly. Which makes me angry and is flattering at the same time. I have a lot invested in these grinds , testing, dyno time installing and the such. If they are going to be copied is it okay that I at least sell them the cam to be copied? I apologize if you disagree but I think valve events will be all that is needed to set up a cam correctly. Who else gives any of the info I do? When you buy a cam in the gas world, lift, duration, LSA, and at most seat timing is customary, that is what I intend to keep doing plus dyno numbers. I don't mean to hide anything from you(except the above mentioned short list) I doubt somebody will not buy a cam due to the cam doctor report not being attached.

Kipo, I will gladly hook you up with our latest and greatest.

Zach :stab::poke: Hamilton
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Let me ask this. What benefit would that graph give you? What are you looking to gain from that info? Would it help you set up your cam better than the info Zach has already given out? Or are you just one of those people that needs to know every miniscule detail about anything and are super anal about making sure you get that last .0001hp out of your engine?
Both. I have flycut pistons and want as much lift as possible and I know about what intake and exhaust duration I want. Zach has said himself before that the consumer has the money and should use that as bargaining currency. I don't think it is too much to ask the specs on something you're gonna spend money on. But that's just me. Aw hell, lets all just put Bigsticks, Smarty's, Flux bazillions, and "twins" on our trucks and see where that gets us. Oh, wait a minute, that's what we have been doing already.
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EPA, I appreciate anybody looking for all of the power they can get as irrational as that may look to others, but this is how I make my living and I do have to protect my investment a little bit. I will include any information that I can to help a customer set up their truck short of lift vs crank angle. Well how about just this once. This has been the most copied of our lineup so I guess this profile is old hat, that is one reason for the change in profiles. each measurement is 1 degree multiply time 2 for crank angle readings. Intake is on a 98 degree centerline, LSA is a 107 move it around to your desire install centerline and have fun, and don't say I never gave you anything. Cool?

0.27949 0.27949 measurements on left are the opening ramp
0.27935 0.27938 on the left the closing ramp installed C/L is the middle of
0.27897 0.27902 the two
0.27833 0.27841
0.27744 0.27755
0.27631 0.27645
0.27492 0.27510
0.27328 0.27351
0.27138 0.27166
0.26923 0.26957
0.26682 0.26722
0.26415 0.26461
0.26121 0.26175
0.25801 0.25863
0.25454 0.25524
0.25080 0.25161
0.24679 0.24771
0.24253 0.24357
0.23800 0.23917
0.23322 0.23453
0.22820 0.22964
0.22292 0.22451
0.21740 0.21914
0.21165 0.21352
0.20567 0.20768
0.19946 0.20160
0.19303 0.19531
0.18640 0.18879
0.17957 0.18207
0.17256 0.17515
0.16537 0.16805
0.15801 0.16076
0.15049 0.15331
0.14284 0.14571
0.13506 0.13798
0.12716 0.13014
0.11918 0.12221
0.11114 0.11423
0.10308 0.10623
0.09504 0.09828
0.08709 0.09045
0.07926 0.08280
0.07162 0.07537
0.06425 0.06818
0.05725 0.06125
0.05068 0.05463
0.04460 0.04838
0.03905 0.04260
0.03403 0.03737
0.02957 0.03271
0.02566 0.02861
0.02227 0.02505
0.01937 0.02198
0.01690 0.01937
0.01478 0.01716
0.01298 0.01532
0.01144 0.01377
0.01013 0.01248
0.00899 0.01138
0.00796 0.01042
0.00700 0.00956
0.00610 0.00876
0.00524 0.00799
0.00441 0.00724
0.00363 0.00652
0.00290 0.00581
0.00225 0.00512
0.00169 0.00446
0.00124 0.00383
0.00088 0.00323
0.00061 0.00270
0.00042 0.00222
0.00027 0.00181
0.00016 0.00147
0.00008 0.00119
0.00003 0.00098
0.30637 0.30637 and now the exhaust
0.30626 0.30625
0.30593 0.30590
0.30537 0.30533
0.30459 0.30453
0.30359 0.30349
0.30235 0.30223
0.30090 0.30073
0.29921 0.29900
0.29730 0.29703
0.29516 0.29483
0.29279 0.29240
0.29019 0.28974
0.28736 0.28684
0.28430 0.28371
0.28101 0.28035
0.27749 0.27676
0.27374 0.27294
0.26977 0.26888
0.26557 0.26460
0.26115 0.26010
0.25651 0.25537
0.25166 0.25041
0.24658 0.24524
0.24130 0.23986
0.23580 0.23425
0.23010 0.22844
0.22419 0.22242
0.21808 0.21620
0.21178 0.20979
0.20529 0.20319
0.19862 0.19642
0.19176 0.18947
0.18472 0.18236
0.17753 0.17510
0.17020 0.16771
0.16275 0.16021
0.15522 0.15261
0.14763 0.14494
0.14002 0.13724
0.13241 0.12953
0.12485 0.12186
0.11736 0.11426
0.10999 0.10678
0.10277 0.09946
0.09574 0.09233
0.08892 0.08543
0.08236 0.07877
0.07607 0.07240
0.07006 0.06632
0.06438 0.06057
0.05902 0.05517
0.05402 0.05013
0.04938 0.04547
0.04512 0.04119
0.04123 0.03728
0.03770 0.03373
0.03450 0.03052
0.03161 0.02762
0.02902 0.02502
0.02670 0.02270
0.02464 0.02064
0.02282 0.01882
0.02121 0.01722
0.01980 0.01581
0.01856 0.01456
0.01746 0.01346
0.01648 0.01246
0.01561 0.01156
0.01481 0.01073
0.01407 0.00996
0.01339 0.00923
0.01273 0.00855
0.01211 0.00789
0.01150 0.00726
0.01092 0.00664
0.01034 0.00604
0.00978 0.00545
0.00922 0.00489
0.00866 0.00434
0.00811 0.00381
0.00756 0.00329
0.00701 0.00279
0.00647 0.00231
0.00593 0.00185
0.00539 0.00142
0.00485 0.00102
0.00433 0.00067
0.00381 0.00038
0.00331 0.00016
0.00282 0.00003
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how much lift are you looking for? As far as duration, do you know at what lift you want your duration to be? .001, .006" intake opening, .014" exh. opening, of course you .050" and then .100", .200" and .300" One word of caution duration and lift is related pretty heavily. In a given amount of duration you can only lift so much, I can promise you our new lineup is pushing that envelope. There are still plenty of other variable such as side loading the tappet, film strength, rocker ratio, and spring pressure. If you know exactly what you want I am designing some new lobes with obscene lift. $1000 if you pay before this last batch is cut and I will cut you the EXACT cam you want if one of ours is not to your liking. Fair? By the way you might want to have a degree wheel in front of you when you are doing all of this, it always helps me.

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Haha, no worries. Bye the way did you get a full crank angle vs. lift chart before you bought the cam? You knew I was going to ask that, right?

No, I didn't. Yeah, I knew that was coming. But I have got that now, had to do some work on my own.
So you bought a different cam without knowing all the specs yet complained to Zach about not giving up his specs? That makes no sense at all.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but to say Zach isn't forthcoming with specs when you bought another cam (we all know the he puts more specs out there than anyone in the diesel world, regardless of what you think of him or his products) is just stupid...
Zach, do you have anyone local who can cut pistons? Need to cut some off the top and open up the bowl for a p pumped 24v motor.
mark one, and then take them to diversified machine in Bertram, top notch machine shop. Ask for Tom.

I have nothing against Zach or his products, honestly. I just wished cam manufacturer's would post up pertinent relevent data, which is valve lift or lobe lift (negating rocker ratio) vs. crank position. I do understand his position though, noone else does this either.

The reason I "complained" to Zach is because he proposes to be so forthcoming with specs and that is not entirely true if you don't publish the above mentioned data.
By the standards of the diesel community he is VERY forthcoming. He hasn't ever claimed (that I've seen) to give ALL the specs, he's claimed to give the numbers commonly given by cam makers in other arenas of motorsports.(gasser)

By the standards and general practices of most diesel cam vendors who have a stage 1 and stage 2 and stage 3 that requires flycuts, yeah, he is VERY forthcoming with specs.