2.6 vs 2.8 turbo size


New member
Sep 23, 2009
We have a combo 6500# gas-diesel pulling class. The diesels can run a 2.8 size charger and usually can beat the gassers. Was wondering roughly how much of a difference it would be if we limited them to a 2.6 in terms of hosepower and torque. They can run a 2.8 bushing now. Thanks:poke:
yes same weight. The gas limit is 480 C.I. with most around 800HP. Have heard a few of the diesels are pushing 950-1000.
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my truck(6900lbs) would have to go on a diet no ranch hand no rear bumper and alot more and i dont have a spare or rear bumper already. Is there many diesels. I think a 2.6 might level the field a little more but still have a edge. Are the gas trucks like a 4x4 mod class
Its called a 6500 altered class in northern IL. Its a 6500#, no weight bar, 35" street legal tire, no blocked suspension class. The diesels are not running away with the class but if they have a good hook they are usually out front. Just looking for a inexpensive way to even the field.
If they can run a bushed 2.8 and have to drop to a non altered 2.6 you would probably see in the area of 75hp drop.
I drive a gas so am not to familiar with turbos. Isnt the housing and impeller more important than inlet size? Cant you just bush down a larger turbo to make it legal for the size required?
Do you want to suck your milk shake through a straw or a coffee stir. A 3.0 bushed to a 2.8 will work better than a virgin 2.8 in most applications. Depending on the turbo the compressor wheel exducer is the same for different inducer sizes. For example a 2.8 and a 3.0 S400 have the same diameter wheel on the big end.
Thanks for the help, just looking for some outside opinions on what would be a good way to make things more even without anyone having to spend alot of money.
If you let them bush down to a 2.6 your not going to limit them a whole lot. As I said different brand turbos have different wheel sizes for the same indicer size. If I remember correctly when you drop to a 2.6 in an S400 the big end of the compressor wheel also decreases.
Scott Fulrath pulls an extended cab short bed in that class.
they only problem i can see is you may lose some of the guys that are pulling diesels.