2 stack kits for sale!!

i know! sry u will have them tonite i promise! i got home at dark last night from work and didn't want crappy photos in the dark so this evening hes due home in about 30 min i'll have the pics for you guys!
yes i'm sending them right now lol i apologize and no not full 5" 3.5- 4" inlet on y-pipe then 5" to the stacks
how far are you from in/ky line? might be cheaper just to meet for it last stack setup i shipped ot las vegas costed me 90$$ cuz the sizes of the boxes, but i dont think yours would be that bad cuz of how small the stacks are, butits up to u sir i'll run 250 shipped past him tonite(other than me getting bashed on cf lol cuz i did a 5sp swap and got givin a bad sb con fe and a twisted imput no one wants to own up to lol)
i'd do 250 and i meet u down by evansville so save u shipping for it if you want it, my paypal jonwatson28j@yahoo, first with the money gets them lol u want stacks and all?
i'd like to have them but christmas broke me, so if some one else want them let em go. sorry for the delay on getting back to you.
its no problem i comepletly understand well 5" kit if still for sale