2001 into 1999 motor swap wiring?


New member
Apr 22, 2007
I have a 99 manual that has had the 53 block crack real bad. I purchased a wrecked 2001.5 auto to pull the motor from. Do I need to swap engine wiring harnesses and ECM? I have a edge juice/attitude on the 99 that I would like to continue to use with the 01 motor. Any info is appreciated,
Thank you,
I have used older engines in newer trucks and changed the front cover and cam gear, but have not went the other way. The issue that I see is not having a crank sensor.
The cam gear, timing cover, ECM and crank sensor are different from the 99 to 01. The 99 takes all of it data from the crank sensor to make it run, and the cam sensor is pretty much useless, and its vice versa for the 01. Its gets all its info from the cam sensor and nothing from the crank, some 01s have tone rings on the crank, some dont.

I would check to see if the 01 engine you have has a tone ring on the crank, if it does, you can use your 99 stuff, if not you will have to either swap cranks or use the 01 electronics.
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It looks like swapping in the 01 with all the motor electronics that are on the 01 is the simplest way to have a successful swap? I am not to worried about the edge programmer at this point.
You can buy an adapter to make the edge work with the 01 anyway. Just a little pigtail.