2005 Dodge for sale $12,000.

So the wife has been throwing up all day, peed on a stick. It is confirmed, due in September...

This truck needs to go, I needs me a mega cab.
Congrats! That's a good deal for someone. Couple thousand more then I can spend at the moment.
Thanks! She's not as excited yet, because my little man is almost 6 months old, so this was... Unexpected, lol.
Thanks! She's not as excited yet, because my little man is almost 6 months old, so this was... Unexpected, lol.

I know your pain. My son just turned 2 and my daughter is 10 months

If I can get one of these ones sold I have I will be all over it
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My wife started spitting them out two at a time, I put a stop to that chit ASAP! My twins will be 11 in a few weeks, oldest turns 19 in March....all girls :banghead:
I see the edge, but is it all stock?? Or are you just using that for gauges?
Pm's responded to.

I think I'm going to go ahead and keep it. There's no sense in going into more debt just to get something I don't really need.