2005 G56 to NV5600 conversion questions

Which manual tranny should I put back in my truck?

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i run a g56 in mine with a 3600 dd and 35x12.5s on my dually with no problems guess its in the driving, why leave in 3rd just shift fast i pull out in 2nd and shift and i stay right with built autos. toooo many people bash the g56 ive run it hard and so has my dad his truck is over 900hp mine is 800+ with no problems guess pulling out in the right gear and learning how to shift goes a looong way . im not bashing anyone here just hear me out that ANY trans is not ment for the abuse these trucks give them and remember if you wanna play you gotta pay!

Also to address the case issues i'm in the middle of making a outter brace to hold the trans in compression so it cant expand. i will be offering these when the testing and fitting is done!
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