2006 Annual August Blackout from Edmonton Alberta


New member
Aug 8, 2006
2006 2nd Annual August Blackout from Edmonton Alberta

I uploaded a couple of videos from this event, the highlight video contains two of MADDOGs runs aswell as some other interesting footage, and the other one is of my truck. For some reason I can't find them on the video page, so here are the links. If anyone wants to see all the other trucks let me know and I will upload that video aswell, it's kinda big.
Click here to see video of my Duramax
Click here to see the video containing MADDOG
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they take a while to be optimized, but they will be up soon! Go ahead and upload all you can man, I'd love to see them!
good vids man.looks like its nice and cool up there not the 90+chit we have down here.
The weather was awsome, and yes those sled do rock, they're turboed rx1's.
CC12V said:
Those snowmobiles are the bomb.:ylsuper:

Ditto. Those things are sick.

I really liked that green Dodge. Pretty slick looking. And of course MADDOGs truck is sweet!
Man, does anyone have anymore videos of MADDOG?:bow:

That truck is just insane.*nx*