2012 Membership


Just Over Broke
Jan 30, 2008
I went to get my new membership for the 2012 season..... whats with the 30 bucks for shipping to Alberta????? I think that is a bit crazy for an envelope dont you think?

I thought it was okay to charge Canadians more. ?? Am I missing something? LOL

Happy New Year Kevin.
Yeah, seeing as I dont even live all that far from Randy,, just the damn border
Hello Kevin,
You should just wait for your 1st race date in the states and renew then. That's a $30 savings and even if you buy a calendar ($9.99) that's a $20 savings. After all, how many calendars do you actually need??????????

LOL, I always end up just renewing at the first race date, as long as it is early enough that it doesn't miss any Diesel Power issues!
Aint that the truth. I have done this every year so far, and never 30 bucks for shipping... its just a t-shirt, calendar and membership card......
LOL, I always end up just renewing at the first race date, as long as it is early enough that it doesn't miss any Diesel Power issues!


You shouldn't have to renew this year. As a divisional champion you should get a complimentary membership. That is, unless that has been eliminated. Haven't heard a word from the NHRDA.

What is the shipping charge for? The t-shirt an sticker that I don't need or the calander that doesn't have Max'd out on it or at least didn't last year. I renewed but not happy about the spendy shipping charge.
When I clicked on that I was from Canada, it added another 30 bucks on
All I can say is lie through your teeth. Subman thinks Spokane is in northern California, Division 2. With that reasoning Alberta should be just east of Los Angeles, Division 2. That being said, those in power at the NHRDA shouldn't tack on a $30 poatage surcharge since Alberta is a California county....
Isn't Alberta Northern Montana? Just like BC is Northern Washingtion. I have always said that the 49th adds 49% more cost to everything...
You see all these infomercials on TV for products selling for ONLY $19.95 plus shipping and handling, but today get a 2nd product free, just pay separate shipping and handling. It would be interesting to know what the actual shipping charges are for the t-shirts and calendars and how much is being stashed away as handling charges. Also, what carrier is being used? I know that shipping US Postal Service is cheaper than UPS or Fedex. Bank of America cancelled their $5.00 Debit card fee and Verizon just cancelled its proposed $2.00 fee for online bill payment. Is there a precidence here??????????????
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The actual shipping amount should be on the box right???
Maybe we should just pay the fee which is nothing compared to our fuel costs to get to a race so that we can help keep the NHRDA viable. Remember, there were some difficult situations for the NHRDA last year. It may be high, but nothing compared to what we spend to actually race. :soap:

This is a pivital year for the NHRDA. Lots of changes and new things happening. Lets be supportive and see where it leads.
Maybe we should just pay the fee which is nothing compared to our fuel costs to get to a race so that we can help keep the NHRDA viable. Remember, there were some difficult situations for the NHRDA last year. It may be high, but nothing compared to what we spend to actually race. :soap:

This is a pivital year for the NHRDA. Lots of changes and new things happening. Lets be supportive and see where it leads.

Then the fees should be raised.
The actual shipping amount should be on the box right???

you can buy flat-rate boxes and stuff that wouldn't have the actual shipping charges on them, and UPS and Fedex don't generally put prices on shipping labels