2015 ppl 2.6 rules

One of the dumbest statements that's made it's way into some common rules packages are "Fire extingusher system is permitted." And then you drop down a paragraph or whatever and, they require you to carry a fire extinguisher.
Being that a fire extingusher system and a fire extinguisher are two different things... what's the problem? LOL
Ppl has a gay why to word there rules

How come we have to do this chit every year:doh:

Unfortunately its an issue with most clubs. Sometimes when I read the rules I feel like I'm reading those bad chinese translations. Is this the type of fire extinguisher you guys are talking about?

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I always think rules should be written like a research protocol. They should have inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria and they shouldn't over lap. The fire extinguisher situation is a great example.
Being that a fire extingusher system and a fire extinguisher are two different things... what's the problem? LOL

I get that....but why even say something is permitted? Everyone and their brother knows, if it's not excluded, it's legal. You need to go no further than the turbo rules to know that. The very name of the class is, in essence, a lie.

It's just wasted irrelevant words. Grammar has gone to chit and continues down the spiral every day with textspeak, memespeak, and hoodbonics.

But ya all prolly no that to.
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Ok so on the tire subject. Some are speaking that trxus sts tires are now illegal cause they are a bar tire?
These are legal, but they won't hold up any better than a dana 80 or a 11.5 aam. The pinion shaft is very small and will snap with all the torque these diesels put through the rear ends.

How does the pinion compare to the D80 and the 11.25?