241 to 271 conversion

My 08 5500 has a fixed yoke from the factory. Either Dodge is using ford parts or there is more than on fixed yoke setup.
i dient change the depth in mine eather and it goes in and out of low and mines a manual shifter
Well maybe I got lucky, and it's just catching. Have a lot of runs in 4 lo without any problems. Might have to take a look at that.

Do you have any pics of the oil pump after you modified it to be ran on the opposite side? I have a 72 Chevy I'd like to put a 273 or 271 in instead of the NP205. Thanks Ryan.
Maybe I'm just lucky. Or I screwed something else up when I was in there.
Here is how we did it:



Basically re-routed the pick up tube out the back of the extension housing. It is kind of crude, but works fine. If I were to do it again, I would bring it out the original drain plug. All you would have to do is make a bulkhead type fitting to bring the suction line outside the case. That raised ridge running over to it is where the pickup runs in stock form.

You have to weld-up and redrill two of the mounting holes to run it up side down.
