47re input vs 48re input


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Just curious if there is a difference. Starting to build a daily driver trans for my Excursion swap, and if the 48RE shaft is reasonably strong, or any different at all, maybe cheaping out and skipping the $700 upgrade.

By daily driver I mean 350-400 rwhp 12-valve, and although it probably won't tow much, if at all, it is my wife's daily driver, and she doesn't realize the go pedal works, unless it is fully depressed.
If she drives it like that then don't cheap out buy the shaft.
My excursion swap has 325 hp at the wheels and hasn't broke yet . Its also my wifes ride and the tow rig for my puller. But i do have a crappy bd converter. If you have a good converter then buy the good imput