47re Shift points adjustment...


New member
Apr 2, 2007
Hey Guys. I have a suncoast tranny with the extra clutches, vb, tc, and input shaft; all suncoast. I love the transmission, it holds like it should and all but i would like to change some of the shift points if possible. I don't know, however, if it would be done machanically to the valve body or electronically???

What I'd like to do is mainly hold second gear longer(possibly first too... it wouldnt' hurt.) and also to prolong TC lockup in 4th gear (if i get on it hard once in 3rd gear it'll run through then shift to 4th and JAM lockup which feels pretty hard on it.)

If i cant do this myself without voiding the warrentee the shop gave me, I'll have them do it but still would like to know what they will or should be doing. If anyone could help me out figuring out the tranny more I'd appreciate it. The Haynes manule i have doesn't give much insight in the 47re. . . Thanks,
1-2, 2-3 shifts are done from the VB. You can swap out different springs to move those shift points up. My builder sent some springs out to me, but explained that typically they would want the VB to be sent in for service.

Yeah I remembered hearing that a long time ago but wasn't sure. I'm guessing the 3-4 and 3rd lockup and 4th lockup are all done with computers?? What kind of things would a controller like the ATS COpilot or Suncoast controller control? lol I have a jacobs brake and want to use that and save on my brakes but not sure what all those controlers do that boast about being able to use a brake with them. Does anyone have one of these controlers??? pro's con's? Thanks
Whoops, I forgot the second paragraph in the post... 3-4 is done in the PCM off of MPH and another input (TPS volts?). The only aftermarket controller that i've seen is the Emjay controller that no longer exists. It was beautiful and kept the trans out of overdrive until a preset mph had been hit. I'd like to know about the ATS and Suncoast controllers as well.

Well from what I understand about the ATS co pilot and suncoast one is they're basically the same. They are both adjustable and control when lockup occurs and how long it holds. I'd like to know if they will make it downshift, relock, and continue further braking or just hold whatever gear your in. I think that they can also allow TC lockup in 2nd gear if your valve body is capable. . .but not 100% on that one. The suncoast one is a little cheaper i think though. BD makes one(not bully dog) called something like torque loc or trans command or something. It does the same things except it isnt adjustable unless you change it via computer from what I understand.

How difficult would putting different springs in the valve body?

I didn't realize the copilot & suncoast were adjustable. I thought the torque loc was was just a boost-referenced actuator that adjusted pressure via the TV cable.

Different springs aren't bad if someone tells you where to put them. LOL It's straight-forward unbolt, swap and tighten operation once you know where they go.

The TS Performance has the best price on the Lockup controller.
tnutcher said:
Hey Guys. I have a suncoast tranny with the extra clutches, vb, tc, and input shaft; all suncoast. I love the transmission, it holds like it should and all but i would like to change some of the shift points if possible. I don't know, however, if it would be done machanically to the valve body or electronically???

What I'd like to do is mainly hold second gear longer(possibly first too... it wouldnt' hurt.) and also to prolong TC lockup in 4th gear (if i get on it hard once in 3rd gear it'll run through then shift to 4th and JAM lockup which feels pretty hard on it.)

If i cant do this myself without voiding the warrentee the shop gave me, I'll have them do it but still would like to know what they will or should be doing. If anyone could help me out figuring out the tranny more I'd appreciate it. The Haynes manule i have doesn't give much insight in the 47re. . . Thanks,

Are you talking about WOT shifts or light throttle shifts, if it's just light throttle shifts, you can drop the pan and adjust a certian screw to get a couple more hundred RPMS out of them about 75 per turn in.
What about WOT . Id like to adjust mine to come on a little sooner.

What about an air shifter, yes, no , maybe or need a different trans, just thinking.
To dig up an old thread,

How can I get it to shift sooner from 1-2, and 2-3? We tried loosening up the TV cable a notch but it didnt help. Loosen it more? Sled pulling in low range it wants to spin up to 3500 or more and not shift. But the truck cuts out up there, if it would shift at 3200ish it would be perfect. Ideas?