47rh Need HELP


Apr 27, 2010
Had a former student come in to the shop at school with a burnt up trans in his 94 12v. He bought a used transmission and wanted it swapped in so had my students do it in school. Finished today and truck will not start in Park but will start in Neutral and when you put it in gear it has to rev extremely high for the truck to even pull its self off the lift and will not pull back on to the lift. What do y'all think the issue is? TV cable? Junk used trans?
Without going through it to see what's bad it could be a number of things. The high RPM to move though makes it sound like its burnt up. Is it any different if you try to move it in a manually selected gear?
I'm pretty sure this was a duplicate thread and he got some help on the other one. That's why it's from a few weeks ago with no reply's.
Might be only partially engaging gears. Put trans in park and adjust linkage so shifter is in park and try again. Revving real high to move doesn't sound too promising to me though