47RH questions


Addicted to #2
Apr 14, 2007
Time to swallow my pride and ask the stupid questions....
searching through the BD website and I saw their pressure-loc, How exactly does this work? I am going to be using a toggle switch to control my TQ conv. lockup and my O/D in my conversion so can i just do away with my TPS etc??? Spent too much time researching engines and IP's i still have little knowledge of how Autos actually work....
i beleive it attaches to the TV cable arm on the tranny and holds it at full pressure when needed
If that was a stupid question I might actually know the answer.... somehow the pressure-loc increases line pressure with the converter locked in OD, but you already knew that...and I don't know how....seems to me like your way better off getting a valvebody that increases line pressure through all gears... but maybe someone from BD is better off explaining this one.
Yeah it hooks to the TV cable and holds it back to raise line pressure. Not sure what it's controlled off of though, never used one. I'd put my money towards a upgraded valvebody.

Anyone have any insite on how one should go about hooking up toggle switches for overdrive and converter lockup when converting from 5sp to 47rh?
the center wire is 12volts in, the outer two wires are ground for either the 4th or lockup. don't remember which is which though.
yup center wire is 12V pos. Send your grounds through the other two, to your switches. The orange w/black is for the the TQ conv and the other is for O/D. I'm 99% sure on that, so if I'm wrong, its not my fault haha.