48RE binding up....TV valve?


Pull'n it.
Apr 4, 2008
The 48re in my truck chit its self again. Found the line pressure to be on the low side and adjusted it up to see if it would hang on a couple more pulls.

Holds, but have a real bindup that seems pretty related to TV position, you can put a pile of power through it with little throttle, but lay it down and it just SINKS most of it.

Put the line back to where it was, and the issue remains....its coming out any ways, but would like to have a idea of where to look for the cross leakage.

Shifts well, light throttle you would never know any thing is wrong.

I suppose hooking up a set of gauges to see whats applying when it binds up would be a start.
did you try to adjust the bands and is the fluid clean.also put a gauge on it pressure should rise when giving more throttle.
did you try to adjust the bands and is the fluid clean.also put a gauge on it pressure should rise when giving more throttle.

Yeah....after it slipped I pulled the pan, a bit of fines on the magnet and some clutch in the pan, a little bit of smoked smell. Caught it quick so it wasn't a total blow out.

Bands are good, pressure rises like its supposed to with TV application. Adjusted line up a fair bit, and with full TV I'm thinking it was 210 for sure maybe touching 220 in overdrive boost.

Shifts kinda went to hell with the extra line and were too quick.

dumb question: is the throttle linkage in a bind or pinched?

Not the cable......not sure if I'm using the right term..."binding" but what it feels like is when you hit it with a lot of TV what must be another clutch is applying and its like hitting the brakes and the trans just eats all the power you put to it.

Didn't get to far into it today and was going to look at Gov pressure.....but it shifts so well can't see that being to related.
I was told not to run with my TV lever wired full open, something to do with pressure over running some valves, it wouldn't get 3rd with it full open . This is on my 47re
to much pressure can blow seals out and create other problems.you need to scan the trans while driving to check gov pressure or you could have a internal problem in the trans.
did you reset the tv actuator? and I am going to throw this out there, gov press solenoid and transducer, it fixed up my problems with the 47 in the buick..