4wheelparts.com= Scammers

Rollinbig said:
UPDATE: got a call today from Tyler @ 4wheelparts. He offered me a $150 gift certificate to remove my thread. I think I would rather let this run, maybe I can save someone a headache in the future. Also, check out www.ripoffreport.com , just put 4 wheel parts in the search. some very interesting reading concerning the company and their policies:kick:
Nice! For most others I would think it'd be a little harsh to keep it up.. But after the things I have heard about 4 wheel parts, It should be kept open for people to see..
Being as cheap as I am I would take the gift certificate....By now everyone should have read this thread that may be interested, but thats just me, 150 bucks could get me some Xmas stuff:D
Rollinbig said:
UPDATE: got a call today from Tyler @ 4wheelparts. He offered me a $150 gift certificate to remove my thread. I think I would rather let this run, maybe I can save someone a headache in the future. Also, check out www.ripoffreport.com , just put 4 wheel parts in the search. some very interesting reading concerning the company and their policies:kick:
I believe that's called a 'bribe'. The problem with accepting it is that there isn't anything keeping a dishonest company from doing it again once you pull the thread.
I just bought (and received) gears and install kit, front and rear, for my truck today, and I had no problems with them or the guy I talked to. I have never had a problem with them (but I've only dealt with them twice, and both times I ordered advertised gear packages). But I agree with everyone else, I have head many a horror story about them. good luck with gettin your money back man.

Public Apology

Hey guys apparently I cant take a day off around here without some one screwing things up. This is extremely disappointing to see first thing in the morning. I apologize in advance to everyone who had to slog through this mess without anyone responding with an apology.

I spoke to Tyler on this side and to the "supposed manager" that he spoke to, which by the way was another sales person in the phone center that thought he knew what he was doing. Tyler looked at a past invoice on thosae tires and although we dont normally sell those particular tires we purchased them for one of my personal customers in the past. Unfortunately I worked out s deal from the vendor for those tires because they were going on a Sema truck and he received a much lower than normal cost. tyler was under the impression that that was our everyday cost and passed that along to our customer by mistake.

That is where we left off putting customer service first. It is completely unacceptable to call a customer and ask for more money after we have concimated the sale. We did charge the card because our purchasing dept got the tires in and the order was in the tire dept being mounted.
There is absolutely no excuse for the treatment from here on out. My management staff has been trained to honor any price that we quote without question. Unfortunately this is two EX sales people that will be spending the next 2 months in the warehouse unloading trailers until they learn to appreciate the fact that they sit in an air conditioned building all day talking to people about the things they are passionate about.

I would never in a million years ask someone to remove a poor post in exchange for a gift card. When I heard that I was sick wit embarrassment.

Once again I want to apologize for the way you were treated and I will send you a PM directly on top of the apology I have already offered. I dont expect or deserve you to give me your order I just want to attempt to patch hard feelings.

Brandon Hood
Phone Center Manager
1-800-337-9005 x 5530
It's refreshing to see an apology/explanation that doesn't mention the customer specifically and also does not mention "What the customer should have done/realized". In other words, no blame was being shifted. I've ordered before with no problems but also have heard horror stories. Most of these stories link back to the actual chain stores and not the call center however.

Thanks guys. Please send me any problems you might have. Also if you guys need anything feel free to email me and well get you taken care of.

I honestly appreciate the fact that you come here in an attempt to make things right for people having problems with 4WP. You seem like a stand up guy and it's too bad that you have to come here to put out fires lit by other employees.
Thanks for trying to help out
JFlagg: Coming Mid 2008

nummit: I would be here anyway but Its my responsibility to attempt to clean up their messes. I should open a kindergarten and my time would be better spent.
4wpBrandon said:
JFlagg: Coming Mid 2008

:rockwoot: Woohoo! It sucks finding a good deal on tires, then have them delivered or not be able to participate in alot of the store events....Memphis is the closest to STL I think...I did stop by the Charolette store once and bought a winch though
Thanks Brandon for the public apology. I left a voicemail with my cell # at 4wp. Please contact me at your convenvience
Nicely done indeed. Maybe in the not too distant future threads like this won't exist...Brandon seems highly committed to restoring 4Wp's reputation.
i buy alotta stuff from 4wp and they always bend over for me. i like em. nuthin bad to say. made things right for me and made up the difference on parts that a manuf wouldnt warranty.

as far as im concerend 4wp is a great place to deal with
I went through 2-3 years of buying stuff from them for myself, friends, and family and they were great, actually gave us discounts because of the volume of stuff we ordered. It wasn't until the past couple of years they've gone downhill. Brandon is one of the few at the company with his head on straight and he made a situation right for me. Because of him and ONLY him I might actually shop with 4wp again. But I can guarantee I will only use him for future orders, I refuse to deal with anyone at the local Dallas/Plano store. Props again to Brandon. :Cheer:
Just ordered gears, master install kit and auburn diff from Brandon this morning to fix my broke rear. Will let you all know how it goes.

I will say that he answered all my questions, gave me great prices, called me back promptly to confirm everything was available and going out today :thankyou2: .