5k gov spring issue?

Possibly call CDS and ask them....you know, that's what I generally do when I have an issue with a vendor....

I've installed quite a few sets of their 5K's, no issues yet that I couldn't tune out in a few minutes.
Ended up putting my 4ks back in and I think after a couple more clicks I should be set doesn't seem to hold idle if you rap it and let it idle down it dies . I fiddled with those 5ks for about 2 hours and couldn't get em set.
Ok got it set up late last night, took it for a drive and all was well, idle set at 1000 dropped down to 600 or so in gear drove fine, never hung up. This morning on my way to work started up fine idled fine backing out it hung up at 1500 then died when i dropped it in gear. Am i to tight? I ended up with 5 clicks to get both sides at .041ish This pump worked flawlessly before i messed with those 5ks. I left the shims out maybe i should put them back in. Any input?
Your pump have wrong idle springs, not original most likely from semi truck 190hp pump.

The spring height difference is approx 2 mm, it will work well with stock springs but not with 4 gsk or 5gsk

I hadf similar issue and it took me 2 days to figure it out
Ok Im offically ready to burn this mofo. After about 3 hrs of messing it i just had to walk away. Pulled out the springs again put the shims back it, 1 soft click and 4 hard clicks. started truck set idle, Put in gear truck dies Added 2 more clicks same thing set idle pull it in gear and it dies. repeat 2 more times now it idles fine holds gear fine, but if you rap the throttle it dies then wont restart, have to adjust the idle to get it to run again, Im freaking stumped This pump ran great on the other truck and ran fine for a week with the 5ks and now i cant get the 4ks to work. Suppose it was a bad week to quit chewing. Ive gotta have this dude running by thrusday.
When you put the shims back in, you gotta make sure you put the right ones back on the right side. Have you measured the spring heights to make sure they're all the same? Measured all their pressures?

Also, I remember being told once that the bosch way to set the springs, is to turn both sides ALL THE WAY in, and then back them off the same number of clicks, to ensure they're at the same tension.
Nothing is working I think the pump is junk why else would it run fine then start acting up. Not matterwhich springs it how I set them they either die going in to gear or die when you rev the engine
Just trying to cover all possibilities, but you didn't mix up springs between sets on accident did you? Kept the same idle springs? I don't get why it's dying when you rev it.
yep the 5ks replaced everything, then when i couldnt get them in i put the original springs back in and now it either dies going into gear if i add 2+ clicks it wont die in gear but dies if you rev is. I ended up pulling the 4ks again taking out all shims and putting the 5ks back in 1 -5 clicks ended up with .039 on one side and .0385 on the other. it died going into gear. Called it a night gonna call a buddy tomorrow and see what he thinks ill prolly just put my 160 back on if i cant get it.
I always put mine to .05, because they never seem to rev like I like them too if I stay between the .035-.045. But thats usually only 5 clicks for me.
pretty sure the pump is junked i cant get it to set up at all now. no matter how many clicks i add it dies when you drop it into gear. Good think i still have the orginal pump.
Now I'm really curious. Double check that it isn't some outside source, like fuel pressure or shut off solenoid. Just throwing out more ideas.
update pulled curise control, throttle cable, and tv cable off linkage started truck, idled fine reved up and didnt die and didnt die when we dropped it in gear. im beging the think my linkage was getting hung up the throttle cable is all frayed. My luck its just playin oppossum till i get it all back together and it will act up again.
update pulled curise control, throttle cable, and tv cable off linkage started truck, idled fine reved up and didnt die and didnt die when we dropped it in gear. im beging the think my linkage was getting hung up the throttle cable is all frayed. My luck its just playin oppossum till i get it all back together and it will act up again.

LMAO I know I shouldn't laugh, but this whole time you thought it was the springs kicking your ass. Sounds like we share luck.