5th Annual Fathers Day Pull in Ceres, CA

Michael Lewis

L&L Productions
Jul 4, 2008
Hi Guys,

L&L will be Having its 5th Annual fathers day pull Sun. June 20th. Hope some of you are able to make it.

I talked to quite a few people that say they are goin, maybe I'll make it down there.
yeah! finally I can make the next two.. ceres and willits.. Hope you can make it too cole.. I cant wait.
Have fun guy's, I didn't like my launch Tuesday so this weekend I am pulling the clutch and adjusting it in preps for Willit's, see you all there for sure.

ya drake said that last years willits track was great so im looking forward to a good track. hopefully ceres is good
ya drake said that last years willits track was great so im looking forward to a good track. hopefully ceres is good

I think we should have a pretty good track on Sunday. We have began watering and packing already. We will give it all the water it can take and contiunue packing it until Sun. Seems to be a different track everytime, we'll see what the early water will do.

See you guys there.
sounds like you will have a good track Micheal... I am looking forward to running.. do you know if it will be ok to run two classes.. i would like to have my gf run the workstock or street class and Ill run the super street class maybe.. I want to try different gears
As long as you fit the classes that won't be a problem, they are real easy goin there and like to make sure that you have a good time.
As long as you fit the classes that won't be a problem, they are real easy goin there and like to make sure that you have a good time.


the ceres crew are a cool group to pull with. Not to mention, hdcowgirl on youtube posts all of the vids on her page.
well the pull went well on my end.. they wouldn't let us run two classes so we used what we had proven worked in the past and we put some distance on second place. The truck worked well. looking frorward to willits next weekend
the track was sand, started pretty dusty but they watered and improved it as it went on and it brought some of the moister up as it went on.
who all showed up and how did everyone place im still working on mine trying to get it ready for redding laying low tell its done hope everyone had good luck down there
i didnt know the other guys is my class, alburt didnt have any luck, smoken max put a few feet on the other duramax in extreme. i met him and was a good guy
ya lol, im sure the valve springs can handle it so i always tell to let it wind and hopefully it never sees the unintentional rpms it saw in sac last year.lol