6.7L tech questions


Nov 16, 2006
I am trying to resarch the options of bolt on performance on the new engine.
Has anyone been able to take a look at the engine closely to see if there are any parts that may carry over sice the architechture is basically tha same as the 5.9L?

Can the EGR system be removed without a great amount of hassle and could it use the same exhaust manifold as the 5.9, this would allow opportunities of componding this turbosystem as well.

And the new fuel injection system; they (Cummins) says that it is very efficient so I'm wondering what kind of power the stock injection pump and fuel injectors will support?

Anyone have any thoughts on this

Yanking the EGR and DPF would require programming that will allow for it. As of the moment, there is none available to the public.