630cc 12mm pump


New member
Dec 6, 2006
175 hp based pump with work.

2095 rack plug
4k gov
full cut dv's

bench tuned
630cc's at 21mm rack
pin set at 20*

run for one season

$800 obo
Who built or benched the pump and do you have documentation to back it up?
It was done by james grubbs when he was at DI in cinci.

Dont have the flow sheet on it anymore, we ran it one season when we were running in the 2.5 class and had to turn it all the way down with an s300. It has been boxed up and stored since. It would turn over 4500 leaving the line however the way the truck was setup then it wouldnt run down the track there.
also we now have a small test stand that brian got from a deere dealer that was closing so I can bolt it on and flow it to verify flow rate and calibration.
How long has it been setting dry? Any pics of it and videos of it pulling?
its been in storage for 2 seasons it is all plugged and is in a bag it has oil in it.

we had it at schied in 07 with that pump on it on the ragged out truck
Wow, you got 630 cc's from a 160 pump cam profile and stock barrels and plungers.
It grew 60cc in two years.

Posted 12/6/07

Ive got a 175 pump that has been bench tuned, full cut dv's, 4k gsk, mack plug, It produced 570cc's through stock size lines & orfices. compared to the 465cc's my 913 (215) produced

I made 621 hp on my 913 so this pump should be capable of 700+ its got over 100cc's more fuel. It runs more rack travel because its got flat top plungers as opposed to the notched plungers found in the 913's that essentially retard timing at anthing over 17mm rack travel.

this is not the same pump that was listed, Ive had james do many pumps for me over the years and they dont all achieve the same fuel rate maxed out. It may be because there is a varieance between the height of port closure between stock pumps but that has been my experience is that not all stock pumps when tweaked on the bench acheive the same fuel rate.

13mm p7100 can acheive over 1100cc's is that hard to believe? 630 is alot for a 12mm but by no means unheard of. the cam profile in these pumps is not ideal for high rpm because the profile is D shaped and dosent have the needed fill time at high rpm levels however it doesent mean it is unable to achieve 630cc's, In fact I pulled the bottom plug out of a 13mm schied p7100 and the cam had a similiar profile. the injection ramp was fast but it had alot of dwell and it was not on the base circle very long

If your not intrested in the pump you can keep your comments to your selves.
Im not on here trying to sell somthing as somthing its not, and the fuel rate claimed is by no means bogus that is what it did on the bench it was flowed on with the test lines and orfices used.

my 913 did 465cc at 17mm on the same bench does that not seem realistic to anyone?
also if you all have a hard time believing that a 12mm 7100 will not achieve 630 then explain how columbus can get a A line pump with a smaller dia cam shaft and 11mm P&B to achieve 700cc on a stock cam and 820cc on a quick cam.
also if you all have a hard time believing that a 12mm 7100 will not achieve 630 then explain how columbus can get a A line pump with a smaller dia cam shaft and 11mm P&B to achieve 700cc on a stock cam and 820cc on a quick cam.

:clap: columbus did a 913 for a friend of mine and got 700cc's with 12mm plungers....he isnt lying
Buddy of mine is running one of his pumps and man is it wicked, bump for ya.
does it have an AFC, or is it gutted, and what plate is in it

I am interested, if it can be used on my street truck