7 sec electric dragster

The EPA will have wet dreams about that ride !

Don't know how fun it would be though.... 8 hrs of charge for one passes..... you'd need piles of batteries to make several passes. ( I don't know that this is the case ) Batteries do need charging though.
That's really neat. You can precisely control everything in an electric motor....torque, speed, and even position.
I say match race, the Scheid dragster running on biodiesel, vs this electric!! It can be the "green team," we'll just tell enviromentalists that the black smoke is good for 'em LOL
anybody have anymore info on that car???

Thanks Travis
There was a record set out at my local dragstrip about a month ago for an electric motorcycle. 10.08@139. Huge cloud of tire smoke, and no noise..Pretty cool though.
I get those email alerts too!

There's an electric Mazda that runs at our local track:

It was featured in a front page Wall Street Journal article a while back. A few weeks after the article I ran into the guys at the track. IIRC, they're both forklift technicians, which is where they got their start with electric propulsion. I helped build an electric car as my senior project for my BS in Mechanical Engineering. The car was revamped a couple of years later, and I was the driver for it at the first ever Solar & Electric race in Phoenix. It was fun stuff, but rather impractical.

Michael Pliska