850cc 12mm Ppump ???

I've had 2 Columbus 12mm's that were both 650cc, which CDS said was max.

My 13mm is set at 800 or 850 IIRC.
Maybe u got lucky and they gave u a 13mm by mistake

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk el jefa

ive kinda thought they got my pump mixed up ever since the first time they called me after they received it.
They called me to say that the cam and rollers were wiped, cam lobes were blue and worn to the point of being off as much as 5*, and the governor housing was full of metal. But i never had any trouble out of it, the truck ran awesome with it. I would think a pump that sick would show some symptoms.
Oh well, mabey we'll see a Thread pop up about a built 13mm Columbus pump thats only making 630cc :hehe:
Right that would be funny as hell. R u going to install pump and see if it flows 850, u should be able to tell real quick

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk el jefa
THE most I seen was 550 and that was pump NE Diesel set up .... it was maxed based on Kevin's comments ....
Just sent my 180 pump into Seth for max/bench and some 024 delivery valves. I guess we'll see what she makes soon
With the largest bosch test nozzle I know of, with the best cam and flat top plunger, Ive seen 670cc. Anything higher than that would have to have been flowed with no nozzle, and even at that, I don't see it being possible. I've flowed a few pumps. The average 913 cam with a full cut @ 1000 strokes, flowed at the industry standard (idle rpm) normally nets around 550cc. If the pump you have truely makes 800+ cc, it'll be 13mm. Youll know it when you hit the throttle.
Where would one purchase these parts? Id like.to build my own pump and then.send.it.off to.be.flowed.
My first 13mm pump was from Columbus. They gave me a sheet that showed the pump output and max rpm. Neither was even close to being right(ran out of fuel at about 3k rpm). I sent one to Kevin and when it came back it made about 200 more hp than my CDS pump. With Weston's specials it flowed 950 @ 21mm (13mm).
With the largest bosch test nozzle I know of, with the best cam and flat top plunger, Ive seen 670cc. Anything higher than that would have to have been flowed with no nozzle, and even at that, I don't see it being possible. I've flowed a few pumps. The average 913 cam with a full cut @ 1000 strokes, flowed at the industry standard (idle rpm) normally nets around 550cc. If the pump you have truely makes 800+ cc, it'll be 13mm. Youll know it when you hit the throttle.

they said they used my 5x.016s that they built for me when they tested it (which further makes 850 seem impossible). So what your saying is that, if i am getting that much fuel at the injector then thats prolly gonna be to much for the s467 that i plan on using. Correct? i am planning on lots of street driving.
LOL Don't plan on a nice street driving setup if you really have 850cc of fuel and 5x16s with a s467 single.