99 Loping, poor mileage, no power.


Death Row Inmate #1
Jan 12, 2007
Guys this will kinda be long winded, but bear with me.

I was getting fuel a the station last night, and a Dodge truck pulls in with the cummins loping like a top fuel dragster. Once he stopped, and got out, the truck idled fine. Then I could hear the a/c kick on and it would lope out again real bad. I know I shouldn't be nosy, but I had to ask him why it did that. We've modified the crap out of some cummins at our shop, but never heard lope like that,and it not followed by lots of smoke. This truck didn't smoke a lick.

So I walked over to talk to him. It was an older gentleman who clearly was not into diesel performance. I had to ask him why it did that. He said "I have no idea." He's had it in 3 different shops, and none of them could fix it. One put on a VP44, no luck, another..ecm, no luck, and one did a lift pump. No luck. So I started asking questions.

It's a 99, but the shop put an unknown year model ecm on it. They believe an 01 standard......this truck is auto. This could be part of it, but it did it before the ecm.

The truck is stock top to bottom with 250k on it. Said it ran good for a while after he bought it, and it just went to crap after that.

He said you have to floor it to get it to move, and it won't pull a hill to save it's ass, even unloaded.

Also, the tach only works for a second after starting, after that, no tach.

So I'm thinkin' it needs a cam sensor, maybe a map sensor....I don't know. I just gave the guy my card and asked him to email me. I told him I would try to find out an answer, just for the simple fact that I want to know. So any ideas you guys have got, I'm all ears. Thanks for your time guys.

cam sensor. but wouldn't seem like it would take that long to fail the rest of the way. could the apps cause these issues?
If it is a manual ecm in an auto truck, the anti stall programing would account for the lope.

Low power, not sure..
I agree on the standard ecm could cause the lope. I would like to get a fuel pressure gauge on this thing for fun. The apps had crossed my mind as well. And the check engine light is on, but he doesn't know the codes. For the no power, I question the map sensor.

Clay, are you ever any help? LOL dork.
Did this fellow say where he was from? One of us on here close to him needs to get his truck fixed for him and give him his confidence in Cummins back. If he is close to me the repairs will be free! Good of you Cody for taking the time to help a guy out!
I do what I can brother. And I told him the work would be free. Don't worry. And I'm even a Ford guy. LOL I don't think the rep of the Cummins will be hurt in any way, I just wanna know what's doing it.
in so cal that is...im in cali and they are around here...jsut wondering..
The cranksensor would cause the tach not to work and check engine light to come on. It happend on my truck 00' tach would work then go out and the light would come on.
Get the ECM changed out first and then go from there. If timing works out we could let him borrow mine for a bit so we could test it and see what's wrong.
So far it's all for nill guys. I gave the guy all my contact info instead of taking his. That way he can do it on his terms instead of me just ramming help down his throat by taking his # and calling him everytime I find something out. So until he calls, there's nothing I can test.