99 QC 1 TON 4x4 Sport

love it!

I'm going to have to sell my car first, but I think the sale is pending, so I'll keep in touch
Hey got your pm....what kinda shape are the tires in and who built the trans, is there any kinda warranty.....? also do the rear doors have any rust or is it just the front two.

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Tires are better than half, tranny was built by John at Preble Diesel, convertor has lifetime warranty, FASS has warranty left on it and passenger rear door has very little rust drivers rear does not have any. No other rust anywhere on the truck, fenders, rockers and bed are rust free. If your interested and close swing by and take a look.
Any questions you can contact John at Preble Diesel on here " smokin habit " or get his info at preblediesel.com

I may see if I can get some free time to check it out.... My 12 valve is taking up most of my nights and weekends...lol I have to work saturday and then a wedding saturday evening but may be able to get free sunday.... If so I shoot ya a pm!
i cant believe this thing isnt sold imo one of the top 5 sweetest 2nd gens out there free bump 4 ya
I've got a real nice spot in the corner of my barn I might park it in. This might be my last bump !!!