Aa - aw


Still learning...
Jun 12, 2009
So, found a thread from last year on the subject, no answers for sure.

Mostly a lot of "why" in it.

Plan is compounds.

Atmosphere turbo into the air to air, then into the high pressure turbo.

High pressure turbo, into an air to water, then into the engine.

Anybody have any experience driving around with an AW without water and ice in it?

Obviously, I'm not expecting it to add a thing without water and ice, but will I tear anything up, or will water be sufficient to prevent damage to the cooler?

Truck see's little to no driving outside of playing at a track, and the little it'll be on public roads it'll have a semi-responsible adult driving lol. So it may be a non issue.

Just don't want to be "that guy" and crack a cooler for no reason.
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The majority of marine/ industrial engines use a air to water cooler with engines and run engine coolant. I dont see how it would be an issue.
Yeah, boost won't be that crazy anyway.

Was just wondering if I oughta be worried about "normal" intake temps cracking it if I don't fill the cooler with water before I get a wild hair up my butt and drive it somewhere.