Addrenaline Dilema?


Jun 11, 2009
Have a chance to buy a used Quad Adr for my 01 for $200. I took a look at it and brought up a new picture of the wire bundles off of Quads web site. I compared the two and noticed that the connector to tap the pump was cut off and the power and ground connections look like they may break loose when installing. The little pod also has a crack.

Would want to replace the Pod. Where would I find a place that sells just the pods. Places with websites prefered.

Need advice to see if it is worth the money to fix the connections and use it or should I wait and buy a better used one. Because money is not on my side and the fixes seem easy.

Advice needed.
crimp new ends on the power and ground and solder the pump tap wire on. will sell the pod.
PM me the number of the guy selling it...I'll look at it for you. LOL
Wouldnt recomend soldering the pump wire. Just invest in a stealth plate. They are like 50 dollars and you dont have to ruin the wire. Well worth it!
There is no better connection than soldering. Not to mention that every pump builder knows about the stealth plate so you wont be saving your warranty by using one.
There is no better connection than soldering. Not to mention that every pump builder knows about the stealth plate so you wont be saving your warranty by using one.

Weren't you the guy who couldn't get your pump tap working?:hehe::rockwoot::pop:
My pump guy asked if I was going to tap and told me he'd only warranty it if I soldered.
Got a stealth plate for it and my new connections from Quad in the mail today. Going to hook it up tomorrow and hopefully everything works. I saw though that if you screw the pump tap in too far it will screw it up. Is that true if so how to avoid it.
When hooking the plate up get all the outside bolts tight. Turn the key on and screw the probe bolt down till you get a test light to light up or get a reading using a multimeter. Once you get power from the probe stud, turn it an additional 1/2-3/4 of a turn and lock the nuts to prevent it from backing out. shouldn't have a problem after that.
Got the stealth plate on tightened and checked with test light and everything was ok. Continued to connect all the connections and hook up the power and ground. After that ran the control pod hooked it up. Turn the key and NOTHING. The control pod would not turn on. Checked all my connections even called quad and checked to see if it was getting power which it was. It was getting clos to 12v but Quad said it should only be getting about 5v. So i sent the monitor and the adrenaline box to quadzilla so they can fix the box or replace it with a new one.

When I first hooked it up though and turned on the truck the Pod would not come on and then tried to shut off the truck and it stayed running. While running though with the key off and out of the ignition the dash lights would like flicker on and off. The only thing i could think of was unhook the quad and sure enough it shut right off. Starting to maybe regret buying this if quad can not find a problem with the box or the monitor. I am not sure where to go from there.
Kid I go to school with. See I am in college now and building a truck on a college budget. So naturally I didn't think when I talked to a kid selling a Quad for $200... I was just overwhelmed I found one for cheap.

Still if it turns out to be the Box, I was quoted $25+shipping for the fix. If that works, all in all i will have $275 into it all together..still not bad..but I have my fingers crossed.
those just seem to be unreliable. Next time go with a edge comp or tst comp and you wont be disappointed. Good luck though