Adren/pulse Trade 4 CompHot or Juice/Atitude


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Just a feeler. i have a98.5-00 Adrenaline and Pulse. its mint condition and has no scratches on the box itself or screen. has all updates and hasnt had any surging problems. want the comphot or juice to stack with my smarty. its a great box just to much for my trucks tranny
Bump. What are the jumpers? If I can get all this stuff sorted around, then I will trade.
Bump. What are the jumpers? If I can get all this stuff sorted around, then I will trade.
Just like the one on the back of a hard drive (if you've ever messed with one, you know what I mean). It's a very small piece that connects 2 pins together. You just have to move the jumper from one pin set to another.