AFC important !!!

Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I have seen a lot of people running their trucks lately with their afc gutted or with OE springs or even with aftermarket springs that don't regulate smoke well due to larger delivery valves and/or injectors. First for the sake of the sport it is very important to cut down on the smoke output of these trucks. Obama and all of his green freaks are starting to look at the automotive aftermarket very closesly as the next place to cut greenhouse gasses and carbon output! Now I love the environment and clean air as much as anybody but I also make my living by selling performance parts, so this is of major concern to me. If we don't regulate smoke and emissions, I promise you they will. Laws are for peole that can't seem to self govern, and based on what I keep seeing, we can't seem to self govern very well.

Second, as you well know, smoke does not make power. Some of the most powerful trucks I know smoke little to none. A lot of the AFC's I have tested allow full rack travel by 10-14psi which is not needed until 35-45psi in a lot of instances. If you are hard up, get your old stock governor springs and play around. With a little playing it will start to move at 12 psi and be full on by 30+. By the way one of the most powerful street trucks I know of does not go to full fuel until about 52psi and smokes very little ;) . Yes it can be done a lot of power with very little smoke! Use your head and tune, please. If you don't care too much to regulate it yourself, new laws are right around the corner!


Zach Hamilton
well said Zach, now please go make a post on cummins forum!, and while were at it, let's add "smoke switches" to the list of things not to do.....

I agree. I need to get by your shop and let you work some magic on mine speaking of this.
Been saying this for years, nothing new! You can have a 12V with a single at 500 hp and Twins at 600hp at near smoke free.

If the gutted AFC guys knew how much more responsive the turbo can be with a full mod AFC, most would be digging in the junk box for discarded fulcrums anyway!
IMO diesel emissions testing are inevitable...just a matter of when and how far back they will test. Unfortunately these knuckleheads are likely accelerating the process for the rest of us.
If the gutted AFC guys knew how much more responsive the turbo can be with a full mod AFC, most would be digging in the junk box for discarded fulcrums anyway!

most gutted AFC guys are fags with stock injectors and turbos, so they think that gutting it has zero negative effect...

and the ones that do have bigger injectors and turbo are stupid enough to think that they can modulate their right foot for optimal acceleration every time...

they also tend to congregate on a "forum" dedicated to the "cummins"
my AFC was gutted for like a day, then i realized how stupid it was and how much better the truck ran with it tuned properly
most gutted AFC guys are fags with stock injectors and turbos, so they think that gutting it has zero negative effect...

and the ones that do have bigger injectors and turbo are stupid enough to think that they can modulate their right foot for optimal acceleration every time...

they also tend to congregate on a "forum" dedicated to the "cummins"

My words exactly!!!
Every day I drive to work I see pickups with oversized stacks lay black smoke I just wont to hang my head in shame. I think thies KIDS need to learn when and when not to smoke!!!!!
lol soooo yeah i have a gutted afc... lol i need to stop being lazy and fix it this weekend.