AFE Bladerunner


12V killer
Aug 29, 2007
Does anyone know if the Bladerunner will clear the 24v p-pump conversion lines? I've heard the ATS arcflow does but haven't heard about the AFE.
Starting my conversion on Friday am!!

Ahhh, nobody We will find out this weekend. Worse case I will gut a stock grid heater for a spacer and fab up some studs.
Thanks for the reply and pics, I'm using a Bladerunner with Haisley lines.

And you should stop on down sat to give a hand!
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I thought you were starting friday? I'll be around both days...
I am starting friday, stop on down

Good luck, I take it all the parts that Jim ordered for you came in?
I think you should kick me down some $$$$ for keeping my big yap shut and not calling your wife..:hehe::hehe::hehe::hehe:

Just kiddin' bro! Good luck, hope all goes well and can't wait to see her run with the P-Pump on it.
So it was a success? I saw your selling some 24v items on NETDP, so I assume all went well. Is it back together and running? Is the pump cranked up? Can you keep up with Jim now? Inquiring minds want to know!
Running, yes. Keep up with Jim, ask him :hehe: Never had a problem before. Pump will fuel 730cc's but is tuned down.
Just messin' with you, Tim.
Glad to hear that it's back to running. Can't wait to check it out this summer sometime. I want to go for a spin.
What time would you like me there ????? I have to go back in the pm to drive someone somewhere.